
Asta e razboiul- This is war

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Literature Text

           Dublat în română                                 Dubled in English

          Asta e razboiul                                       This is war
Razboiul e momentul                              The war is the moment
În care se decide moartea si înfrângerea,        When the death and the defeat is decided,
În care se decide viata si victoria,             When the life and the victory is decided,
Momentul mortii,                                 The moment of death,
Momentul biruintei,                          The moment of triumph,
Momentul înfrângerii.                          The moment of defeat.
Sunt soldati.                          There are the soldiers.
Sunt capitani.                  There are the captains.
Sunt popoarele ucise                  There are the killed nations
Sunt popoarele transformate.          There are the transformed nations.
Sunt popoarele maltratate          There are mistreated nations
Sunt popoarele distruse.                  There are the destroyed nations
De agonie si dispret.                            By agony and contempt
Sunt bunii.                                      There are the good and
Sunt raii.                                       There are the evils.
Sunt momentele culminante.                       There  are the culminate moments.
Sunt decizii de luat.                  There are the decisions to take.
Decizii grele ce duc la izbânda sau esec.        The decisions who make the    difference betwin victory and defeat.
Se numeste razboi.                               It's called war.
E soldatul.      The soldiers.
E capitanul.                                        The captains.
E victima.                                          The victim.
E poporul.                                           The nation.
E momentul. Sa lupti.                            It's the moment. To fight.
Asta e razboiul.                                 This is war.
E momentul adevarului,                           It's the moment of truth,
Momentul sa lup?i,                               The moment to fight,
Momentul sa nu cazi prada altora,                The moment not to fail in other hands,
Momentul sa traiesti si                          The moment to live and   
Momentul sa mori.                                The moment to die.
Momentul sa lup?i.                               The moment to fight.
Sa lupti.                                               To fight.
Sa mori.                                     To die.
Sa traiesti.                      To live.
Sa fi dur.            To be unfeeling.
Sa lupti pâna la victorie Si dupa aceea.         To fight until the victory and after that.
Sa îi razbuni pe cei morti.                      To  avenge the deaths.
Sa lupti pâna la sfâssit.                        To fight until the end.
Si dupa aceea.                                      And after that.
Sunt înfrântii.                                  There are the defeats.
Sunt victoriosii.                         There are the victorious.
Sunt onestii.                                    There are the honest.
Sunt prostii.                                    There are the fools.
Asta e razboiul.                                    This is war.
Liderul.                                            The leader.
Înfrântul.                                          The defeat.
Piranhaul.                                          The piranha.
Mesiaul.                                             The Messiah.
Asta e razboiul.                                    This is war.
Momentul mântuirii.                              The  moment Salvation.
Momentul adevarului.          The moment of truth.
Momentul încercarii. The moment attempts.
Momentul sa strigi,                              The moment to shout,
Momentul sa stai întins de durere                The moment to lay of pain
Si maltratare.                                   And mistreating.
E momentul sa traiesti.                               The moment to live.
E momentul sa mori.                                  The moment to die.
Sa lupti pâna la sfârsitul Pamântului.           To fight until the end of the Earth.

Lumea e mare                                      The world is big.
Si razboiul si mai mare,                    And the war is even bigger
Lumea e razboiul.          And the world is the war.
Lumea e razboiul pe care îl îndrârjdim de fiecare data.   Which we renew every time.
Nu e o placere.                  It's not a pleasure.
E o necesitate.                                         It's a necessity.
Iar pacea nu e trainica mereu.                      And the peace does not least fore ever.
Inspired form This is war.
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And the peace is no longer...
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